Guabiphos Beef Mix 85 RM

Guabiphos Beef Mix 85 RM


Guabiphos Beef Mix 85 RM is a protein concentrate, formulated with 85.0% of Crude Protein, Livestock Urea, Macro and Microminerals, Vitamins and Sodium Monensin, which is a performance and food efficiency enhancer. Suitable for feed formulation managed cattle in semiconfinement or confinement regime, from the mixture with energetic and, eventually, protein ingredients.


Presentation: Branny.

Presentation Branny
Weight 30 kg
Use recommendations

The inclusion of Guabiphos Beef Mix 85 RM + VM will vary from 6,0 to 12%, which will depend on the levels of guarantee of the ration to be formulated, the amount of ration offered to the animals, the desired weight gain, as well as the sources of concentrated and bulk food available. For semiconfined cattle, the average intake will be 70 g/100 kg BW, not to exceed 400 g/day. For cattle under confinement conditions, the average intake will be 100 g/100 kg BW, not to exceed 500 g/day. It is recommended a period of adaptation of at least 14 days, with gradual increase of the formulated ration. Consult a Guabi Technician for formulating rations with Guabiphos Beef Mix 85 RM.

Warranty Levels
Humidity (Max.) 130 g
Crude Protein (Min.) 850 g/kg
NNNP Equiv. CP (Max.) 790 g/kg
Phosphorus (Min.) 12 g/kg
Sodium (Min.) 30 g/kg
Sulphur (Min.) 10 g/kg
Monensin 500 mg/kg
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